Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wow! Over a Month

Yes, it's been a while since we posted anything here.

We had a good Thanksgiving, down at my folks house in central Florida. Lots of family made the trip, which made things even better. We also celebrated both my parents birthdays that weekend.

Besides Thanksgiving, we've had a busy month. Work has kept both Holly and I hopping, and the kids have been doing great in school.

C came down with a nasty case of pneumonia in early December, but a dose of antibiotics bounced her right back. She thought the chest x-ray was awesome; she got to see her own film, and thought was 'totally awesome' that she could see her ribs, etc. Of course, any trip to the doctor that doesn't involve a needle is a good day for C.

Anyway, the holiday season was upon us before we knew it, and that led to a great Christmas, which I will write about separately.

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