Monday, September 8, 2008

Flying Rockets

Hello all! D3 and I headed down to the greenway on Sunday afternoon to fly some model rockets. It was a beautiful afternoon, with sunshine and a nice breeze, but the girls decided not to come. Their loss! :)

We started out small, with a pair of rockets using the relatively mild A8-3 size engine. We then moved up to a double launch of rockets with the B6-4 size. Now, the letters in those sizes are the relative strength of the motor, where the 'B' engines are twice as powerful as the 'A', so they were more impressive.

On the second flight, D3's parachute melted a bit as it was ejected from the tube - I'm sure due to a problem with the flame proof wadding you pack in there. David packed and prepped all his rockets this trip out, and he did a pretty good job. We've got some minor repairs to do to his 'chute and shroud lines, but nothing major.

Since we didn't want to fly his rocket again, we decided to put a C6-8 in mine for one last launch. Since each letter progression means that the motor is twice as powerful as the previous, the 'C' engine was about four times the power of the 'A'.

The launch was awesome, and boy! did it climb high. Unfortunately, the rockets fell apart on parachute ejection. We don't know exactly what happened because the pieces came down in the treeline 200 yards away and weren't recovered. We found the nosecone and parachute - stuck in an oak tree 60' off the ground. Oh, well. This is why rockets are fun!

Here's a video of the ill-fated launch.

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