This kids are done with school for the year, which is really hard to believe. D has completed elementary school, and is moving on to middle school next year, which is even harder to believe. Both of them had a great year and are looking forward to a fun-filled summer.
Holly and I are trying to take as much time off as possible this summer, and we have a few trips planned, both to the beach and the mountains. We are all looking forward to some whitewater, some camping, and some lazy time off.

Both kids are playing summer soccer, which is about as informal as you can get; it basically amounts to two pickup games per week. It's casual (or supposed to be), and it let's the kids keep their skills fresh until the Fall travel season starts up again.
Speaking of travel soccer... both C and D made Tallahassee United teams for 2011-2012. That's awesome news, as it will (hopefully) mean more family travel where both kids are playing the same tourneys. We'll see. It's a big change for D, as he is leaving behind some great friends and awesome coaches at TOF. C's U10 team should be very strong, coming off a really awesome U9 season. They ended up playing the U10 bracket at all their tournaments, which was just some awesome experience for them.

D has started running cross country this week in preparation for the Fall middle school season. He loves it. I'm not sure if he sees it as a sport unto itself, or just a fun way to increase his stamina on the soccer field, but either way we'll stay behind him. It doesn't hurt that he found that he's actually pretty decent at it as well.
We'll be trying to keep this better updated as the summer progresses!