Yes, it's a decent cat... for a cat. It likes to play with me sometimes, if you call getting jumped on from high places 'playing'. I'm normally an easy going pug, but sometimes that cat drives me to chase it around. A dog has to show who's in charge sometimes, am I right?
They named the cat 'Cody'. Well, the kids named it Cody. Holly and David call it 'Evil', which in my educated dog opinion is just about perfect. It's Evil, plain and simple.
I think we'll work out a relationship, as long as that cat remembers who's in charge around here, that's me! I'd hate to have to keep 'educating' him about who runs the house! He also needs to remember that all the toys that are laying around are mine! Mine!
Oh well. So if anyone wants a cute(ish) gray cat, just drop me a line. I'll hook you up. Promise.